This chart gives the correlated reading levels for Reading A to Z, Fountas and Pinnell (Guided Reading), DRA, Grade Level Equivalents, Age Equivalents, and Lexile Levels. Print this chart for an easy reference to compare reading levels for different programs and assessments.


More than half of American students and learners in over 180 countries receive Lexile measures every year. Leading publishers across the world provide Lexile measures. In turn, a learner who has a Lexile measure can be matched with the more than 100 million articles, books and websites that have Lexile text measures, putting them on the path to success in their school, university and careers.

Reading (GR), DRA™, and Lexile® scales. These leveling systems function as tools to evaluate text difficulty and student reading ability. While each scale is a useful instructional resource, your personal knowledge of students’ abilities, interests, and skills should be an equally important part of matching books to students. AR Lexile AR Lexile 1.1 25 3.9 675 1.1 50 4.1 700 1.2 75 4.3 725 1.2 100 4.5 750 1.3 125 4.7 775 Lexile AR DRA Guided Reading Conversion Chart . 12 Nov. 2005 Jun 13, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Renae Bartley. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest software to calculate the Lexile measure and range from the RIT scale. MetaMetrics provided NWEA with a set of items that had Lexile estimates.

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Level. Description of Text Features. Magenta. Readiness. SRI Lexile - AR Grade Level*.

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DRA Summary What is the DRA? The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) is a standardized reading test used to determine a student’s instructional level in reading. The DRA is administered individually to students by teachers and/or reading specialists. Students read a selection (or selections) and then retell what they have read to the examiner.

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Kindergarten. BR. Reading Eggs. Maps 1 - 80. A. Böcker på LibraryThing taggade som Interest Level Grades K - 2 Reading Level Grade level Equivalent: 3.5 Lexile Measure®: 680L DRA: 38. Böcker på LibraryThing taggade som Interest Level Grades 4 - 7 Reading Level Grade level Equivalent: 5 Lexile Measure®: 820L DRA: 60 Type of Book:  Most complete database available for reading levels.

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Framework. Grade Level.
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Located near the top of our book search tool, you can quickly find a book’s Lexile measure by entering a book’s title, author or ISBN. DRA/ DRA 2 Independ.

fakta och åsikter från olika källor, analysera dem och dra en relevant slutsats utifrån källmaterialet. Instantly get a book's Guided Reading, Lexile® Measure, DRA, or Grade Level reading level. Search by title, author, illustrator, or keyword using the search box  Instantly get a book's Guided Reading, Lexile® Measure, DRA, or Grade Level reading level.
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Lexile Level Guided Reading Level (Fountas & Pinnell) Early Intervention Level (Reading Recovery) K 0.1 010—090 A 1 B(1) 2 Grade 1 1.0—1.9 100—390 C(K) 3-4 D 5-6 E 7-8 F 9-10 G 11-12 H (2) 13-14 I (2) 15-16 Grade 2 2.0—2.9 400—590 J 17—18 K 19—20 L (3) 21—22 M (3) 23—24 Grade

Lexile. Rating. AR Grade. Level.

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Scan your books' ISBNs to view the Guided Reading, Grade Level Equivalent, DRA, and Lexile levels/measures for the book. Perfect for educators and.

Reading Level Correlation Chart RIT Lexile Guided Reading AR. This correlation chart aligns 4 reading assessment levels: Lexile, MAP Reading RIT, Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading, and Accelerated Reader. I searched high and low for a correlation chart that aligned RIT's to Guided Reading levels. A Lexile® measure is the numeric representation of an individual’s reading ability or a text’s readability (or dif˜culty), followed by an “L” (Lexile).