Researching Private Security Consumption Researching Private Security Consumption Mulone, Massimiliano 2013-05-18 00:00:00 Eur J Crim Policy Res (2013) 19:401–417 DOI 10.1007/s10610-013-9207-5 Massimiliano Mulone Published online: 18 May 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013 Abstract This paper has two objectives: to provide an exploratory analysis of the rational- ities …
Social Text covers a broad spectrum of social and cultural phenomena, applying the latest interpretive methods to the world at large. A daring and controversial leader in the field of cultural studies, the journal consistently focuses attention on questions of gender, sexuality, race, and the environment, publishing key works by the most influential social and cultural theorists.
Sociological Abstracts (ProQuest) McGill Library • Questions? SocINDEX with Full Text. Database of sociology articles with very comprehensive coverage. Records have subject headings from a sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts. Includes more than 475 full-text titles and provides information on all areas of sociology, McGill Library • Questions?
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Wilkinson och McGill (2008) framvisar hur presentationen av intellektuellt funktionsnedsatta sker genom att söka via databaserna; Swepub, SocINDEX. Age Line, ASSIA, Cinahl, Nursing & Allied Health Source, PsycInfo, PubMed, SocIndex, SwePub och. Web of Science. Den grå litteraturen söktes med hjälp av av M Ewertzon · 2015 · Citerat av 1 — SweMed+) och sju internationella databaser (Cinahl, PubMed, PsycInfo, SocIndex, beskrivits av Falloon, I. R., Boyd, J. L., & McGill, C.W. (1984). Family care of IR Informationsåtervinning eller Information Retrieval (IR) rör representation, förvaring, organisation och tillgång till informationsposter (Salton & McGill 1983, s.1; Allen, D, Langthorne, P, Tonge, B, Emerson, E, McGill, P, Fletcher, R, et al. i litteraturdatabaserna PsycInfo, PubMed, Cinahl, SocIndex, Cochrane Library, PubMed, PsycInfo, SocIndex, Nursing & Allied Health Source, Academic modell som beskrivits av Falloon, I. R., Boyd, J. L., & McGill, C.W. (1984). SocINDEX med fulltext .
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The Department of Sociology wishes to acknowledge the land on which we operate, across all three campuses. For thousands of years it has been the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. Psychological warfare (PSYWAR), or the basic aspects of modern psychological operations (PsyOps), have been known by many other names or terms, including MISO, Psy Ops, political warfare, "Hearts and Minds", and propaganda.
Get to Know the Database: SocINDEX. No sessions of this workshop are currently scheduled. McGill Library McLennan Library Building 3459 rue McTavish Montreal, Quebec
Method: Searched were nine databases: CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SocINDEX, ERIC, Ichushi Web, Saishinkangosakuin Web, McGill RJ, Baker D, Busse RT. Social Story™ interventions for decreasing challenging behaviours: A Socindex via 7 April 2017 Abstracts, SOCIndex, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Services Abstracts, TOC premier, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press . av L Brännström — SocINDEX. 1895- PsycINFO (ca 33%), Journal of Child Custody (ca 19 %) och SocINDEX. (ca 18 %). McGill, J. C., Deutsch, R. M., & Zibbell, R. A. (1999). Sökningar har genomförts i PubMed, PsycInfo och SocIndex av informat- ionsspecialist. McGill, DJ, Hutchison, C, McKenzie, E, McSherry, E, Mackay, IR. A. McGill RJ, Baker D, Busse RT. Social Story™ interventions for decreasing challenging behaviours: A Socindex via 7 April 2017 medical oncologist and researcher at the McGill University Health Centre in För frågor inom socialt arbete används vanligen PsycInfo, SocIndex McGill Law Journal 60, s.
Impact200 student challenge champions projects that enhance the sustainability of our campuses, our city, and the world. For career opportunities at McGill and Partners, please visit this page. McGill and Partners is a registered trading name of McGill and Partners Ltd, MGP McGill and Partners Ireland Ltd and McGill Global Risk Solutions LLC. McGill and Partners Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 927379. 1885 bytte McGill College formellt namn till McGill University, även om det nya namnet hade använts informellt i flera år. Fram till 1920 växte därefter universitetet snabbt, och många byggnader uppfördes på campusområdet. 1905 skapades även ett andra campus då William Macdonald donerade pengar till ett college i Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, 32 km väster om Montréal.
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American Sociological Review (ASR) is the American Sociological Association’s flagship journal.The ASA founded this journal in 1936 with the mission to publish original works of interest to the discipline of sociology in general, new theoretical developments, results of research that advance understanding of fundamental social processes, and important methodological innovations.
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Psychological warfare (PSYWAR), or the basic aspects of modern psychological operations (PsyOps), have been known by many other names or terms, including MISO, Psy Ops, political warfare, "Hearts and Minds", and propaganda.
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Editor-in-Chief: Gudmundur Alfredsson, University of Akureyri, Iceland, and China University of Political Science and Law Founding Editor: Yonah Alexander, George Washington University, Washington, DC Managing Editor: Christopher Murphy, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany Book Reviews and Review Essays, Recent Books on Human Rights and Groups
eScholarship is McGill University’s institutional digital repository featuring electronic, open access, outputs of McGill researchers and and socINDEX). Produced by USA National Association of Social Workers, 1968-present, from 500+ core social work and related journals in all areas of the social work profession: theory and practice, areas of service (gerontology, welfare, public health, criminology, education, etc.), social issues, social problems. Get to Know the Database: SocINDEX. No sessions of this workshop are currently scheduled. McGill Library McLennan Library Building 3459 rue McTavish Montreal, Quebec 03/01/1993 to 1 year ago in SocINDEX with Full Text University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. This bi-weekly web series from the McGill Office for Science and Society (OSS) covers a variety of science topics that are on everyone's minds.